Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Week 4 #9

Well, I played around with Technorati, Topix, Syndic8, and Feedster. Trying to locate feeds that I wanted to read and were useful in a public library setting seemed more difficult. I had to look at several. I'm still not sure that these will be very useful. I will look at them for a while and if I don't seem to use them, I can delete the link to my bloglines account. Topix seemed easiest once I found the library links at the bottom of the page. I didn't like Syndic* - too many blogs that didn't interest me. Feedster was easy to search, but items retrieved were all over the place. Technorati also had posts that didn't seem to be relevant. I think if I were searching Britney Spears, this would be much more successful.

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