Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Week 5 #10 Image Generators

Played around with a couple of image generators. These look like fun. I think these could be good when creating flyers, etc. For this one, I used www.imagechef.com, but www.txt2pic.com is great too!

Week 4 #9

Well, I played around with Technorati, Topix, Syndic8, and Feedster. Trying to locate feeds that I wanted to read and were useful in a public library setting seemed more difficult. I had to look at several. I'm still not sure that these will be very useful. I will look at them for a while and if I don't seem to use them, I can delete the link to my bloglines account. Topix seemed easiest once I found the library links at the bottom of the page. I didn't like Syndic* - too many blogs that didn't interest me. Feedster was easy to search, but items retrieved were all over the place. Technorati also had posts that didn't seem to be relevant. I think if I were searching Britney Spears, this would be much more successful.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Week 4 #8

Bloglines and RSS Feeds - I understood the concept immediately, but I needed to go through all 3 links before I finally knew how to get the RSS feeds set up. Now I have several and think this will be a great way to check on the news that interests me. I've seen the RSS button for years now and I finally get it. In conclusion ...Here is link to the public Blogline Account: http://www.bloglines.com/public/SJLibber

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Week 3 #7 Technology Post

Digital cameras have revolutionized how I keep in touch with family. Now it is very easy to use Flickr or Snapfish to share photos. Everyone feels that they are connected.

Another thing I really enjoy is instant messaging. Now I can be online doing some work at home and still talk to my daughter at the same time. We share photos, links, and what is happening in our lives. I think it's a great way to keep in touch.

American Baby

American Baby
Originally uploaded by amccarrandi.

Well, I thought I would use a photo that I enjoy. These are my two granddaughters. Picture was taken in October 2006.

Week 3 # 6 Mountains of Alaska Mashup

Mountains of Alaska
Originally uploaded by amccarrandi.

Well, I finally got a chance to come back to this. It's fun to do this. I will have to explore this more when I have some time.